Ready to create change?


From creation to activation, small teams to large groups,
we help you build the buy-in you need.

Not sure what kind of help you might need? Book an exploratory call to chat about your needs.

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Message Design Institute logo
Build a message from the ground up.

MESSAGE: Foundation Session

The best way to go from an idea to a fully functional message framework.

Over one day in person in Boston, we'll identify and strengthen the foundation of your message.

You'll walk away with a Message Foundation Deck that includes the elements you or your communications partners would need to build any future messages or content:

Core Message: A single sentence that connects your initiative, approach, or offering to what your audience already cares about.

Core Case: The simplest argument for that idea, based on principles your audience already agrees with.

We'll also schedule a one-hour follow-up call one to two weeks after the Foundation Session to review our work and answer any additional questions

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Design a structure that enhances sharing.

MESSAGE: Framing Session

Turn your Core Message and Core Case into a story your audiences will tell themselves—the Red Thread. We'll define all the elements of that story and turn them into a paragraph-length summary they can't unhear. After the session you'll have your Core Story.

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Apply the message to the front lines.

MESSAGE: Custom Finishing

We tailor a series of 2 x 1-hour calls to your specific needs as we turn your Core Message, Case, and Story into final content, collateral, and conversations including:

  • Sales discussion guides
  • Landing pages
  • Pitch deck outlines
  • Book descriptions
  • Etc.